The 5 Keys


We believe that healthy communities all have these 5 key components. We focus our efforts on these areas to maximize our impact and focus our work in ways that make the most impact.


Without knowledge, how can we thrive? Square Mile is working to support the planning and implementation of programs that promote education and training for residents to expand opportunities. We are partnering with schools, financial institutions, and non-profits agencies who provide a vast array of educational classes to help children, adults, and whole families improve their standard of living. Whether it’s after school tutoring, help with a GED, college preparation, vocational training or even parenting classes; we believe the more you know, the greater the opportunity.


Money can’t buy happiness, but it can put food on the table, good clothes on our backs, and bring stability to a struggling family. We are working to encourage and promote the development of new economic opportunities in San Jacinto to bring prosperity to the community. We are partnering with local schools, businesses, entrepreneurs, and organizations to create new opportunities through small business development, job creation, and transportation solutions. Our neighborhoods don’t need handouts, they need opportunities.


There is a deep sense of community pride to be found in many old neighborhoods, even if the buildings don’t reflect that. A safe, affordable home is a basic need for all of us. That’s why we encourage residents to improve and invest in the neighborhood through projects designed to encourage the diversity and rich culture of the community. We are also partnering with local entities that are creating access to affordable and sustainable housing initiatives that promote safe neighborhoods, neighbor to neighbor support, neighborhood beautification, and pathways to homeownership.


Unfortunately, access to basic health care is still a challenge to many in our community. Thankfully, there are wonderful organizations working tirelessly to remedy this problem. mi2 supports innovative health programs, policies, and providers that work to improve health of individuals and families and foster a culture of health and wellness at the community level. Through preventative health initiatives such as access to healthy foods and medical care, sports and fitness programs, and nutritional guidance, the health of our neighborhoods will only improve.


Life is hard sometimes and we all struggle to deal with the stress, struggle, and trauma that sometimes come our way. While not everyone seeks to find peace or answers through faith, we know that many in our community look for guidance and hope through God. The Square Mile staff is working with faith-based organizations and church partners who can minister to a person’s spiritual needs and help them heal emotionally as well as physically, rebuild relationships and find supportive communities of faith.